Norfolk Southern Juniata Locomotive
Shop - Photo Tour
Photos taken at Employee
Appreciation Day event 09/05/2016
Page 1 - Miscellaneous
photos taken at the NS Juniata Shops
Signs outside the General Office
Building at the NS Juniata Shops

HO Scale model of the NS
Juniata Shops complex located in the General Office Building

NS tribute wall for veterans
inside the NS Juniata Locomotive Shop

Locomotives undergoing repairs
inside the shop

Engine overhaul

Main alternator

Locomotive truck rebuilding

Traction motor/wheel combos,
wheels, axles

Smith Shop
A look at the locomotive rebuild
lines inside the Smith Shop

Paint Shop
In addition to painting its own
locomotives, NS also does contract work for other companies.

Emissions Shop
NS has its own indoor test facility
to test locomotive emissions in order to
meet EPA regulations and improve fuel efficiency.

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Please Note:
This is the personal
of Chris
R. Toth. It is not affiliated with, sponsored
nor supported by Norfolk Southern Corporation.
Information and photos from this website
should not be used without permission and/or proper credit.
